Another friend celebrated her 60th birthday recently. She is my oldest friend and still as "daft" as she was at 16. Many an adventure we had! When she passed her driving test she took me for a "run" in her father's Zodiak. We did "the ton" on the Fraserburgh road. If my mother only knew.........and her's!!!!! 

I took great pleasure in making this gift for her. My only disappointment was that I couldn't find the photograph of her throwing a snowball at me during a school trip to Norway in 1967. Although she would not agree, she shows the same enthusiasim now as she did when she took up her first post in Lochgelly in Fife, 39yrs ago. On an historical note, this is where the belt/strap was made that was used for corporal punishment in schools in Scotland. I shudder at the thought of it now but I had one in my desk when I first started teaching. (Never used it)
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